Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I am MOMMY!!!! Hear me ROAR!!!!

Do you ever feel like all you do all day long is put out fires?  There's milk on the floor, clean that up!  There's chocolate on the chair, clean that up!!  There's toothpaste stuck like an epoxy glue in the sink, scrub that up!  There's dirty underwear on the bathroom floor, oops, find the tongs to pick those up!

Someone needs clean underwear!  Since you can't find any, you run to one of the other kids rooms that is just about the size of the kid that never washes his underwear!  You steal a pair so the kid that never washes his underwear doesn't try to put the same ones on that you just found out he's been wearing for 3 days now!

You're running out the door frantically, with the kid that never washes his underwear, to get to an appointment and as you get in the car you smell something horrible!  What is that?  OH!  Yep he stepped in dog poo!  Now it's time to either wash the shoe in the driveway, or take another 15 minutes to find another pair of shoes.  So you wash the shoe, get splattered with the dirty dog poo water, try to rinse that off, get back in the car and realize the poo is on the carpet of the car!  Oh well, you can handle that for a while!  Then you finish the appointment, get in the car, OH yeah.....the sun bakes the dog poo and now the car smells like raw sewerage!

Now you're home and have to wash the carpet of the car!

You get inside your house and the big giant St. Bernard runs to great you, his tail is so big and winding that he knocks the smaller kid down the steps and now you have a crying kid.  Put out that fire, only to get upstairs to find out the toilet is stopped up!  Someone didn't realize there was a stopped up toilet so they just went potty in it and now it's REALLY stopped up!!!

With each and every fire, I try to realize myself with a new hat on....Maid!, Taxi Cab Driver!, Plumber!, Dog Whisperer! Kid Whisperer!

Oh well, it's all in a days work!  And I don't even get paid for's a volunteer job!  But I do love it!  I am mommy hear me roar!