Thursday, July 4, 2013

Puppies in the Potty

Just wondering how many moms out there in mommy land have ever gone to the bathroom and found bobble head puppies floating in the toilet?  Well, yes you've guessed it...for some reason poop and potties are a very big part of my life.  I went into the bathroom and shut the door, mainly because I never and I mean NEVER get to go pee alone.  Either there is a kid, a cat or a dog that follows behind me, the kids talks to me, the dog waits till I sit down then either licks my face or sneezes on me, and well, the cat, yes the cat will normally stand up on his hind legs and paw at my face while I'm on the potty!  So right before I manage to do the getting ready to go to the bathroom stuff, I see something out of the corner of my eye, to my great surprise there were 6 bobble head puppies floating in the toilet.  Now what to do?  I start to fish out the puppies, while yelling "who put the puppies in the potty?"  I can hear laughing going on, then I hear "MOM!  Don't flush the toilet!"  Well, really now!?  I'm not that stupid!  So as I am fishing in the toilet, several of the heads start to fall off of the puppies!  Then I really got mad, and when I get mad, hysterical laughter is not far behind.  So of course all I could think was, wow this will make a great Facebook post or better yet another story for my blog!

I let in the puppy floating culprit, so that she could help me take the floating pups and bring them to safety and a bath.  We did manage to get them all out, heads included, so of course I had to ask the big question, "why on earth would you put your puppies in the potty?"  Her answer was not one I wanted to hear....she told me that she accidentally dropped them in there AFTER she had peed, she was trying to reach for the toilet paper with the puppies in her hand, she couldn't get the paper so she put the puppies in her lap and the inevitable happened she dropped them and didn't want to stick her hand in there to get them out!  "GREAT so that means I just stuck my hand in PEE!? "  "Yes Mommy, but you can wash them with soap and water, you'll be fine!"  You'll be fine, my famous last words to anything that happens around here, and now I'm getting it back from my 5 year old.  Now I know how they feel when I say it to them.  But on the other hand I always flush the toilet and I never drop my puppies in my "you'll be fine" is much different from her "you'll be fine".

Then I started to think, where's the toilet paper???  So, I ASKED!  I don't know why I ask any questions around here, but her answer was, "I put it in the trash can, cause I didn't want it to get mixed up in my puppies!"  Of course!  Who would want to mix up nasty toilet paper with bobble head puppies in a toilet full of pee!?!

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