Friday, September 13, 2013

IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT....Improvise!!!

We were all in church on a Sunday a while back, at this particular time in my life I ONLY had 7 kids, but we were sitting right behind a family that also had 7 children.  This mom and I had grown up together and we had mirror image families.   So as most mommies know, you're supposed to go to public places prepared for anything that may happen while traveling with children.  Well, if you are a mom of 7, you can only hope you get all 7 kids out of the house without forgetting a shoe, a sock, a pair of pants, or worst yet, one of them!  So things like tissue, baby diapers, diaper bags, etc, usually don't make it for the ride.  On this Sunday, I did manage to drag a diaper bag with me, but only God knew what was in it....

As Mass went on, I noticed that the mom in front of me was searching around frantically for something/anything because one of her kids had just announced that she may throw up.  Rather than running frantically to the back of Church, because we all know what would happen then, running and vomiting is not very attractive, she was trying to find something for her to throw up in.  She looked at me to see if I, the other mom of 7, may have something to catch the mornings breakfast!  But of course I didn't!  So we were looking around at anyone near us with kids to see if they had something!  One mom looked at me like, "vomit in MY stuff, I don't think so!"  Then another elderly lady handed me a tissue!  I thanked her but thought "yeah right!" All of this frantic searching took less time than the stomach to travel breakfast up the food pipe and reach the mouth!

So in a panic, I dumped out my diaper bag, super balls went flying, old stale cheerios hit the floor, several Tonka Trucks made loud dings as they hit the pew, a pack of "women's paraphernalia" dropped on one of my sons foot,  there was nothing useful in it for a vomit moment other than the bag itself, and gave it to her for the catch!  She didn't even bat an eye, she grabbed the bag, held it in front of her daughter's face, continued to participate in Mass and let her daughter toss her cookies in it!!

After Mass was over, she looked at me and said "Thanks so much!  I hope next time we sit together I have something to help you out with!"   I told her "No problem".....Then we both laughed our butts off, because before we walked out of Church she asked if I wanted the bag back!?!  "Nah!!!  You can keep it!"

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