Monday, June 29, 2015

Sweet Little Bunny Story!!! AKA How to Catch a Rabbit...101

Yep, I can even hold classes on how to catch rabbits!  We somehow have become parents to two lovely little bunnies, one a beautiful little boy lionhead rabbit, and the other a sweet young lady, donning her brown and white rabbit coat!  The young man's name is Goose...the little miss is Brooke!     Goose got his name from Top Gun, my son came home with a black bunny and his friend had a white one, they named them Goose and they are now TOP BUNS!!!  Get it??!!!

Anyway, on to how to catch a rabbit!  101!!!   

Goose and Brooke live in separate housing, mainly because we don't want anymore bunnies, Goose's home is in a cage that is on the ground, so he has ample room to run and to DIG!  Brooke lives in a pretty typical bunny housing unit, lots of space to play but no digging abilities.  We have found out from living with Goose, that Bugs Bunny was not far off with his elaborate housing units underground, with bedrooms and tunnels and living rooms!  Goose has now created a sort of cartoonish Bugs Bunny style housing under his cage.  We have also found out that he did not like the fact that he only had a front door, that has a lock on it, so he has now installed a back door, with NO lock.  Smart little guy, right?  He is a genius bunny!  I usually go outside with hay and carrots and other bunny treats and call Goose and he comes running to the door to get his treats!  The other day I called him and called him and called him, no Goose-man, so I opened the door of his cage and placed the hay and carrots and pretty much just left the door open thinking that he had probably gotten out and maybe he would come back for some food.  As I got up from the ground and the front of his cage, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, this little black bunny running frantically to the driveway, disappear for about 10 seconds, then show up right where I had placed the treats!  He looked at me like, "well thanks mom, I've been out all night drinking, I really needed this hangover remedy"!  

My little Goose-man has created his own living arrangements, one that he is well pleased with, one that allows him the flexibility to visit Brooke when he wants, and to eat and get his water when HE wants.  We now wake up in the morning, only to find Mr. Goose sitting on the top of his best friends cage!  They look as if they are talking and just hanging.  It even appears that Brooke gets very excited to see her friend Mr. Goose-man!  I kind of figure that bunnies get lonely, they need friendships, they need bunny communication.  They have the same needs as humans, but they seem to be able to make it happen on their own.  They don't need mom and dad to drive them to the friends house, they just dig a hole and get there on their own.  

I believe I have two very intelligent bunnies, I may enter them in America's Got Talent next time around....I can enter them as bunny magicians, and have one pull the other out of a hat!!! 

Well that's my bunny story, it's not so much on how to catch them I guess, it's more about how I think my bunny is an escape artist, and my son says, "he's not an escape artist, cause he still stays here!"   

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Time to Rethink the Sanitizing!!!!

When that first baby is born, you're sort of a sanitizing maniac!  Boil the bottles, boil the pacifier, hot water washing the sheets,  everything is sparkling clean.  Then you have more kids and the sanitizing starts to become a second thought, you start to realize immunity is built into dirt.  So here's a thought to leave you for the day!!!  Have a wonderful mothering day!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Doohickies and Wigglebops: Baby Baby #8......OH the Changes We Mak...

Doohickies and Wigglebops: Baby Baby #8......OH the Changes We Mak...: Baby #1....cute clean clothes, breast fed only, sterilized binky, bags of frozen breast milk just in case you have to go anywhere, sterili...

Baby Baby #8......OH the Changes We Make!!!

Baby #1....cute clean clothes, breast fed only, sterilized binky, bags of frozen breast milk just in case you have to go anywhere, sterilized bottles, just in case you have to go somewhere, clean sheets all of the time, diaper bag packed and ready for any occasion, cute pictures in the nursery, cute sheets, cute coverlet, baby monitor perfectly positioned!!

Baby #2.....cute clothes, (clean maybe), breast fed (for the most part), binky ahem, sterilized, a few bags of frozen breast milk, some bottles (sterilized for the most part), sheets um, well, clean, diaper bag packed (oops forgot the burp rag), nursery decorated (I guess), sheets, monitor positioned (dog knocked it down)!!!

Baby #3....cute clothes (with stains), breast fed (too busy to find bottles), binky, didn't use one, no frozen breast milk, bottles (need to go buy some), sheets (at least he had some), diaper bag packed (can't find burp rag, um did I put diapers in there?), nursery (was I supposed to decorate that?), sheets, monitor still there at least!

Baby #4....clothes (well at least he has some), breast fed/bottle fed, binky wiped on pants, NO frozen breast milk, bottles (was I supposed to sterilize those?), same sheets as the last one, diaper bag um sort of packed, nursery now shared with older child that refuses baby pictures, can't find the monitor needs batteries!

Baby clothes since the others are soiled and pooped on, breast fed/bottle fed, binky (not even sure if I wiped it this time), absolutely NO frozen breast milk, where the heck are those bottles?, still the same sheets, WHERE'S the diaper bag?, nursery HA!, no more coverlets, blankies monitor still needs batteries!

Baby #6....Clothes? they're supposed to wear clothes?, breast/bottle fed, the dog has the binky, please get it and give it to the baby, still no frozen breast milk (who has time for that?), bottles, someone find a bottle, sheets? oh yeah!, diaper bag!!!  where's the diaper bag???, nursery (lucky we found the cradle), blankies monitor? what's that?

Baby #7.....need clothes....digging through bags in attic, breast/bottle fed, dog still had the binky, no time for frozen breast milk, where are those damn bottles, and the sheets while you're at it.....a diaper bag, just throw a diaper in the purse, I'm sure they'll have toilet paper somewhere, baby thrown in with other kids....should find that monitor and replace the batteries!!!

Baby #8....a post Katrina baby....building a house, stuck in the hospital for 2 months, thank God she didn't take a binky, couldn't breastfeed, finally got new bottles due to Katrina, got new sheets too!, finally got a new diaper bag, still don't have time to fill it, new house new baby room, finally a nursery...but still no monitor!!!

House filled with noise, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, an occasional snake (when they can get away with it)......but more than anything filled with Love, Joy and the best of all worlds!  

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Do you have a New Years resolution?  I don't!  I usually don't have one in mind.  I can't ever think of something that I haven't already tried to resolve during the year, so how am I supposed to resolve at the beginning of the year?

I guess if I had to put a resolution on paper, or resolutions, this may be what my list would look like:

1.  Make sure there is a plunger by each toilet in the house.

2.  Make sure there is enough toilet paper in the house.

3.  I will make up better excuses to not wash clothes, the others are getting overdone.

4.  I will try to figure out why I really need 7 email address', none of which I can remember anyway.

5.  I will write down my appointments in an appointment book.

6.  I will be able to find the appointment book.

7.  I will find a better hiding place, that I can actually find.

8.  I will try to find out which sort of questions SIRI can actually answer.

9.  I will remember where I'm going when I get in my car, rather than randomly pulling up at a place I had no intention of going.

and good old Number 10
I resolve to start a very long boring conversation about bowel habits with every telemarketer that calls my house, maybe they will finally take me off their list!!!

I think this may be a very good start to this new year!!!

May 2015 find you happy, healthy, and resolution-capable!!!