Thursday, January 8, 2015


Do you have a New Years resolution?  I don't!  I usually don't have one in mind.  I can't ever think of something that I haven't already tried to resolve during the year, so how am I supposed to resolve at the beginning of the year?

I guess if I had to put a resolution on paper, or resolutions, this may be what my list would look like:

1.  Make sure there is a plunger by each toilet in the house.

2.  Make sure there is enough toilet paper in the house.

3.  I will make up better excuses to not wash clothes, the others are getting overdone.

4.  I will try to figure out why I really need 7 email address', none of which I can remember anyway.

5.  I will write down my appointments in an appointment book.

6.  I will be able to find the appointment book.

7.  I will find a better hiding place, that I can actually find.

8.  I will try to find out which sort of questions SIRI can actually answer.

9.  I will remember where I'm going when I get in my car, rather than randomly pulling up at a place I had no intention of going.

and good old Number 10
I resolve to start a very long boring conversation about bowel habits with every telemarketer that calls my house, maybe they will finally take me off their list!!!

I think this may be a very good start to this new year!!!

May 2015 find you happy, healthy, and resolution-capable!!!

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