Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Family Photos

Have you ever raised a puppy?  Most of us moms have, along with small children, we've probably run more times for pee pee and poo poo for puppies as we did toddlers.  I've raised a handful of pups that have graced our lives over the years and a ton of kids, taught them to sit, don't beg, don't "make" in the house, lie down!  I've taught the dogs this as well.....LOL

I think the worst part of raising a puppy is finding gifts all over the house.  Having to follow the smell, find the gift then pick it up and throw it out.  Many times I've reached for the nearest disposable item that I could scoop poop with....one day I smelled out a doozy!!!~~~this was the mother load of gifts!...I saw this piece of "mail" sitting on the counter so I picked it up and scooped the hound mound and tossed it out...OMG, to my dismay, the scooper was an old Christmas Card with my entire family on it...it was the cutest picture (now covered in doggy dung)!  There was no courage left in me to even try to save that card!

Over the years I've mopped up pee....scooped up poop...chased a toddler with a dog bone in his/her mouth....chased a puppy with the babies pacifier in his mouth...ran after a pup with a turd stuck to its butt....ran after a toddler with a turd sticking out of their diaper!  I feel like I've done it all, but I know there's more to come....BRING IT ONE WORLD!!  I'm ready!!!!!

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