Monday, August 7, 2017

The Little Poker.....

I am reminded each and every time my kids get together of what life was like when they were all little and running around here like un-herded kittens.  Each child had his or her own special of them was my little poker.  I would walk into a room and hear one of the kids screaming or crying, I would ask what was the matter, and get nothing in response except more screaming, that's when I discovered my poker!  He would cleverly hide behind chairs or walls or under a blanket and continuously poke the kids sitting next to him, then he would run off faster than a rabbit!  It took me some time to figure out how he would be able to get away unnoticed!  Once I found him in the dryer with the door closed, only waiting for me to come and open the door so he could scare me.  

All I can say is living life with a little poker can be a bit hair raising, but the funny stories we got out of his antics were all worth it, another time when I can truly say.....MY LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN BORING!!!!